اهمیت لغات و ترکیبات گویش سیستانی در متون ادب فارسی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیارگروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی، واحد زابل، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، زابل، ایران


برخی از لغات و ترکیبات در متون ادبی به کار رفته که در فرهنگ­‌های لغت موجود، ضبط نشده‌است. در پژوهش حاضر، به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، پاره­‌ای از این لغات و ترکیبات که هنوز در گویش سیستانی به کار می­‌روند بازیافت و شناسایی شده‌است. این لغات و ترکیبات را از نظر ساختاری، به دو بخش می­‌توان تقسیم کرد. غالب آنها بدون هیچ تفاوتی، در گویش سیستانی و متون ادبی کاربرد دارند. بخش اندکی تفاوتی جزیی، در اندازۀ‌ حذف یا اضافه شدن یا تبدیل یک واژه، با یکدیگر دارند. از منظری دیگر، این لغات و ترکیبات، یا اصلا در فرهنگ­‌ها ضبط نشده­‌اند، یا اینکه دارای چند معنا هستند اما یکی از معانی آنها که در فرهنگ­های لغت متروک مانده، درگویش سیستانی، به­ کار می­‌رود. این لغات و ترکیبات، از نظر نوع کلمه، به­‌ترتیب بسامد شامل فعل، صفت و اسم می­شوند. افعال هم غالبا ترکیباتی هستند که معنایی کنایی از آنها استنباط می­شود. شناسایی و بازیافت چنین لغات و ترکیباتی، افزون­‌بر اینکه موجب غنی­‌تر شدن دایرۀ واژگانی و معنایی زبان فارسی می­‌گردد، در برخی موارد، بنابر شواهدی که در متن ذکر می­شود، می­‌تواند در توضیح و تحلیل دشواری‌های متون ادبی هم گره­‌گشا باشد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Significance of Sistani Dialect Words and Phrases in Persian Literary Texts

نویسنده [English]

  • Hossein Ettehadi
Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Zabol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zabol, Iran
چکیده [English]

Literary texts often feature words and phrases that are absent from standard dictionaries. This descriptive-analytical study examined some of the Sistani dialect terms found in literary works. These vocabulary items could be structurally categorized into two groups. The majority were used identically in both the Sistani dialect and literary contexts. However, a smaller number exhibited minor differences, such as deletions, additions, or substitutions of individual words. From another perspective, these terms were either entirely absent from dictionaries or had multiple definitions with one obsolete dictionary meaning still preserved in the Sistani dialect. In terms of part of speech, these words and phrases were classified primarily as verbs, adjectives, and nouns with verbs frequently appearing as figurative compound words. Identifying and recovering such specialized vocabulary not only enriches the lexical and semantic range of the Persian language, but can also provide key insights for interpreting the nuances and difficulties of literary texts.
Extended Abstract
In the study of Iranian languages, a tripartite classification has emerged from the perspective of linguistic kinship and evolution - Old Iranian, Middle Iranian, and New Iranian Languages. Each of these groupings has been characterized by distinct structural features and shared characteristics in some cases as well. Over time, the languages within these categories have undergone changes and transformations in their structures and pronunciations driven by various environmental and cultural factors. Such changes have given rise to the diverse dialects observed across the Iranian language family. One such dialect of particular significance is the Sistani dialect distinguished by its antiquity and expansive geographical distribution of its speakers.
2.Theoretical Framework
This investigation pursued two central objectives. First, it sought to identify words and phrases found in the Sistani dialect that had been employed in Persian literary texts, yet omitted from standard dictionaries. Second, it explored whether the Sistani dialect could provide insights for elucidating challenges encountered in interpreting Persian literary works.
This study employed a descriptive-analytical approach, relying on library resources.
4.Results & Discussion
In this section, we examined and analyzed words and phrases that were common to both the Sistani dialect and Persian literary texts presented in alphabetical order. Some examples are provided below.
 (open principles)
In the following quote, Qā'im Maqām Farāhāni used the compound term "open principles" to characterize an "ill-tempered, ill-natured, ill-wishing old woman": "In this old age and the end of my life, I am trapped with a bad-tempered, ill-natured, ill-wishing old woman..., a bad-tempered woman, who has no equal.". This metaphorical usage did not appear in Persian dictionaries, but the Sistani dialect employed the term in the sense of "cunning, trickster, and schemer".
(going under the shade of someone)
This compound phrase was used metaphorically to convey the sense of being under someone's protection and support. In the following verse, the poet urges:
(Go under the shade of a lion so that the man-eating wolf
Cannot become the enemy of the sheep for fear of him.)
Here, the term (enemy) is used in its dictionary definition. The poet suggests that one should seek the protection and support of a powerful figure (the "lion") to deter even the most dangerous predators (the "man-eating wolf") from harming the vulnerable (the "sheep").
 (to breathe)
In the following verse, the poet declares:
)I am that endless ocean that a hundred seas and deserts
I breathe every moment in a single breath and roar again from drunkenness.)
Nafisi interpreted this usage of as meaning "to breathe and pant, to be idle and unemployed". In Dehkhoda's notes, also the word is defined as "to take a long time”. To clarify the meaning, the poet seemed to be claiming that, like an endless ocean, they can effortlessly "breathe" or encompass a hundred smaller seas and deserts, roaring forth in drunken exuberance. In the Sistani dialect, this verb was used specifically to mean "to swallow at once".
 (putting one's head in the lap)
This phrase was used metaphorically to convey the sense of being caught up in or overwhelmed by one's own problems.
In the following verses, the poet illustrates this usage:
 (The bud is a tired recluse in thought of your mouth;
The pearl has put his head in his lap in thought of your ruby lips.)
Here, the bud becomes a recluse and helpless, having fallen into grief and sorrow due to its infatuation with the beloved's mouth. Similarly, the pearl (or gem) is overcome by its obsession with the beloved's ruby lips. Figuratively, this represented the metaphor of "putting one's head in one's lap", which was also employed in the Sistani dialect to convey the sense of being caught up in or overwhelmed by one's own troubles.
 (putting something on a stick)
This phrase was used metaphorically to convey the sense of revealing, exposing, or disgracing a secret.
 In the following verse, the poet advises:
 (If you do something, make it the same color as your soul!
Don't put it on a stick, hide it!)
Here, the poet is counseling to do something secretly and out of sight of others as the soul cannot be seen or perceived. Figuratively, he is advising against "putting it on a stick", which means not to reveal or expose the action openly.
 (putting someone's head in the dust)
This phrase was used metaphorically to mean killing someone, burying them in the ground.
In the following verse, the poet recounts the words of his beloved:
 (You said, “I will put your head in the dust on this path.”
Dust be on the head that is not happy with this!)
In the first line, the poet recalls his beloved's threat to "put his head in the dust", which is a metaphorical way of saying she will kill him on this path (i.e., in their pursuit of union). The second line expresses the poet's lament over this fate with "dust on the head" being a traditional expression of grief and unhappiness.

Conclusions & Suggestions.

Certain words and phrases were shared between the Sistani dialect and Persian literary texts, often with little to no change, aside from the occasional deletion, displacement, or alteration of a vowel sound. These shared linguistic elements spanned verb, adjective, and noun forms with verbal compounds tending to be used more frequently in a figurative or metaphorical sense. The value of this research lies in its dual contributions. On one hand, it serves to expand the vocabulary and semantic range of the Persian language by illuminating these shared linguistic features between colloquial and literary contexts. On the other hand, as demonstrated in the examples provided, this insight can also prove pivotal in explaining and resolving ambiguities that may arise in the interpretation of Persian literary texts. By mapping the overlaps and connections between the Sistani dialect and the lexical and figurative usage found in Persian literary works, this study enriched our understanding of the Persian language and its expressive capabilities, while also providing a valuable key for navigating the nuances and complexities of the literary tradition.
Select Bibliography
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Attar Neyshaboori, F. Elahi Name. Edited by Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani.   Tehran: Sokhan. 2008. [In Persian]. 
Bidel Dehlavi, M.A. Kolliyat. Edited by Khaste & Khalili. Tehran: Zavvar. 2008. [In Persian].
Dehkhoda, A. Loghatname. 2thed, Tehran: University of Tehran Press. 1998. [In Persian].
Mohtasham Kashani. Kolliyat. Edited by Mostafa Feyz Kashani. Tehran: Publications of Soreye Mehr. 2012. [In Persian].
Moien, M. A Persian Dictionary. Tehran: Amirkabir. 2003. [In Persian].
Nafisi, S. Dictionary of Nafisi. Tehran: Khayyam bookstore. 1954. [In Persian].
Qā'im Maqām Farāhāni Farahani.n.d . Monsha’at Qaem Maqam. Edited by Motamed al- Dole. Tehran: Islamic scientific bookstore. 2017. [In Persian].
Shahnazi, J. Sistani Idioms and Proverbs. Tehran: Research Institute for Cultural Heritage and Tourism. 2021. [In Persian].
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کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Persian language
  • Sistani dialect
  • literary texts
  • word
  • phrase
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