Critical analysis of “Aghadar” and “Fokhos” written by Sheevan Foumani in accordance with the discoursive features and valued signifiers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor of Persian language and literature, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Phd students in general linguistics, The Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


The symbolic poetries of Sheevan Foumani are full of valued systematic discursive signifiers of the poet. In the two poetries of Aqɑdɑr and Foχos, different types of symbols are used to marginalize the discourses. In these two mentioned poetries, the diversities of discourses that are benefitted from valued signifiers, stimulate the researchers to achieve the wide variety of conceptual view by explaining the discursive features of these poetries. To achieve this aim, the model of Laclau and Mouffe is suggested to evaluate the valued signifiers of discursive features. In accordance with the textual data of two poetries, the valued systematic signifiers were identified by using qualitative methods. By implementing critical model on the two poetries,the results of the research represented that the poetry of Aqɑdɑr uses the two subsidiary ecological and humanitarian discourse in addition to the five discoursive features.Moreover,any parts of the poetries were accompanied by the specific discourse.Also,various types of nodal points which were based on the characters of the poetry and the floating signifiers of each of characters were identified.Furthermore,by investigating the two poetries of Foχos and Aqɑdɑr,the two central nodal points were identified which are ordinarily nightmares and shadblow.


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