A Supplementary Study on the Correction of Hossein Kurd Shabestari's Narrative

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Encyclopedia Research Institute, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran



This article serves as a complementary work to the correction of Hossein Kurd Shabestari's narrative poem. It is the collaborative effort of Iraj Afshar and Mehran Afshari and is divided into two parts. The first part involves the critique, recording, and correction of verses from various poets embedded within the narrative. These verses are categorized into three groups: verses that have been accurately recorded with identifiable poets or sources, verses that are metrically and rhyme-wise correct but have unknown authors, and verses that contain errors in their recording and correction, leading to discrepancies in meter and rhyme scheme. The editors have either not corrected these or integrated them into the poet's own work. These verses were primarily corrected through reference to the works of other poets and adherence to the literary tradition of Persian poetry.

The second part of this article focuses on the scrutiny and correction of specific words, particularly Turkish words and sentences, with explanatory annotations provided. In this section, corrections are made in terms of pronunciation and meaning by consulting Turkish-to-Persian dictionaries, identifying contextual clues in the text, and considering the narrative and textual context. By incorporating these corrections and annotations


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