A comparative study of Aspect in Modern Spoken and Written Persian

Document Type : Original Article


Assisstant profrssor Department of Linguistics Faculty of letters and Humanities Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



Usually, verbal conjugation in languages is done by encoding three kinds of information: tense, modality, and aspect. The main goal of this article is to classify different aspects, as well as to discover the similarities and differences of mood in the two written and spoken varieties of modern Persian based on Kroeger (2005), Comrie (1976), and Jackendoff (1983). Data is collected either by using the sentences the author has encountered in the context or from the TV series “Shahbaz”. Moreover, I have used my own examples as a native speaker of Persian whenever it was needed. The results revealed that an evolution has occurred in spoken modern Persian. Present perfect tense/ aspect in spoken Persian is going to be vanished. Except this issue as well as phonological differences any other differences related to the existence of different kinds of aspects like present perfect aspect, imperfective aspect, prospective aspect, etc. between the two varieties of the language were not seen. Finally, a new analysis of aspect classification in the form of a continuum of aspect has been offered.


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