The Advantages of “Tehran” Version in reading Khaghani's Divan

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Khaghani is one of the most fanciful Persian poets. The difficulty of Khaghani's poems is related to fantasy, elegance, and its utilization of science. This perplexity led descriptions from the oldest times, such as Shadi Abadi on Khaqani's poetry to be written These efforts continued until the age of printing. The complexity of Khaqani's poetry has caused all the works written about him not to be free from defects. These defects are also included in Khaghani's poetry corrections, so that all versions and corrections are flawed. Among the corrections was Abdolrasouli’s correction which is also known as the Tehran edition. Moreover, Sajjadi, based on the London version and other copies in the book of Tehran, published Khaghani's poetry as well. Although Sajjadi published more Khagani's lyric poems than Abdolrasoli in certain cases, the version of Tehran (the corrected version by Abdulrasooli) is superior to other versions, especially to the London edition. However   Sajjadi in order to illustrate the new aspects of the Divan in his publication along with putting confidence on London version has marginalized the exact words of Tehran correction in many instances. In the present paper, the version of Tahran which is oftentimes regarded whimsical and unusual will be mentioned with regards to poetic and non-poetical reasons.

1. Introduction
Khaghani Shervani is one of the greatest and the most difficult poets of Persian language and literature among Persian poets. The reasons for the difficulty of Khaghani's poems is both the use of different sciences and the imagination. A commentary on Khaghani's poems has been written since ancient times. These old explanations express the difficulty and the importance of Khaghani's poetry. In the contemporary era, certain corrections have been made to Khaghani's Divan as well. One of these corrections is the correction of Abdolrasouli namely Tehran correction. He has used several versions for his correction. Later, Sajjadi and Mansour also corrected Khaghani's Divan. Evaluating items recorded in different versions shows that Abdulrasooli's correction portrays the most accurate correction.
2. Theoretical framework
One of the editions of Khaghani's poems is the edition of Abdolrasouli namely Tehran version. This edition, which is one of the first scientific examples, has been made through several copies whose exact identities are not very clear. Abdolrasouli's printing has been somewhat marginalized after Saqjadi’s correction. According to the items mentioned in the Tehran version, it is clear that the Tehran edition has given correct items that are not in other versions. The importance of the Tehran version will be revealed by carefully examining the items recorded in Abdolrasouli's edition and comparing them with the items recorded in other copies. This research shows that the Abdolrasouli's version is very valuable and is necessary to read Khaghani's Divan and researchers of Khaghani's poems need other corrections in addition to Sajjadi.
3. Methodology
The research method in this research is analytical-descriptive. First, the items recorded in the Tehran printing press, which are different from other versions, have been identified. Subsequently, by examining and comparing the cases recorded in the Tehran version and other copies, additional research was performed. Finally, the research confirmed the importance and accuracy of the items recorded in the Tehran version. That is, by analyzing the cases in the manuscript through the ancillary sciences as well as the poetic and textual reasons, the reason for the accuracy of the case in the Tehran version was revealed. The semantic description and the analysis of the bit at the end of each entry was the final path of the research.
4. Results & Discussion
Although after Abdolrasoli, Sajjadi published more Khagani's lyric poems than Abdolrasoli, in specific cases, the version of Tehran is superior to other versions, especially to the London edition. However,   Sajjadi,  in order to illustrate the new aspects of the Divan in his publication along with putting confidence on London version has marginalized the exact words of Tehran correction in many instances which is believed to be whimsical and unusual in particular cases, will be mentioned with poetic and non-poetical reasons. In this study, it was found that the  words noh xarās ‘nine mills’, volūgh ‘dogs drink water’, nadab ‘gage’, moqri-e Misr ‘egyptian quran reader’, zafar ‘victory’, morgh-e nāme-āvar ‘letter chicken’, shāye ‘fruit’, āyene ‘mirror’, anghā ‘phoenix’, bayān ‘expression’, deyhīm wa gargar ‘throne and crown’, golbām ‘morning sound’, Mašghūf  ‘very happy’, noghte-ye nūn ‘point of noon’, šīrxhār "infant", šekvā ‘complaint’ and bāghhā ‘gardens’ that are mentioned in the Tehran version are correct. In most versions and natures, the wrong aspects of noh havās ‘nine senses’, hozūr ‘presence’, diat ‘blood money’, masrū’ ‘epileptic’, sāye ‘shadow’, ābele ‘smallpox’, falak ‘the sky’, jenān ‘paradise’, takht ‘bed’, golbāng ‘loud’, maš’ūf  ‘happy’, xūn ‘blood’, rūzedār ‘fasting’, šokrī ‘thanksgiving’ and bā-dahā or bādhā ‘cleverly’ or ‘wines’ have been mentioned. Another result of the present study is highlighting the necessity of paying attention to the Tehran version while describing Khaghani's poems. However, this latter result does not support the complete correctness of the Tehran version, but it does indicate that the reading of Abdolrasouli's edition should also be considered in reading Khaghani's Divan.
5. Conclusions& Suggestions
In order to more accurately understand Khaghani's poems, it is necessary to pay attention to all the copies of Khaghani's Divan. The Tehran edition (published by Abdolrasouli) is one of the editions that can make it easier to understand Khaghani's poetry. Using this version and comparing the disputed cases with other versions, it is observed that the Tehran version occasionally offers the most correct case.
Select Bibliography
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