The Study of the Linguistic Features of Children's Poetry in Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies of Southern Taleshi

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD graduate in Persian Language and Literature, University of Guilan.

2 PhD candidate in Persian Language and Literature, University of Guilan


Extended abstract
1- Introduction
Children’s songs are a small yet considerable part of folk songs. They are considered as a subcategory of children’s poetry. The importance of linguistic features in children’s poetry in composition or in better transmitting concepts and messages towards very young audience makes it necessary to know the series of these signs. The structural study, linguistic features, literary-artistic exclusivity and value of children’s special songs and their theme and content analysis, in addition to cultural knowledge and anthropological information, provide a linguistic and semiotic understanding of children’s mind and language structure. In the light of such a research, the more detailed linguistic-literary aspects of folk-songs and also the simpler structures of speakers’ mental creation are also shown.
2- Theoretical framework
The language of children’s poetry has some classified signs of adult poetry but the used sign systems in the composition and structure of children songs and poetry does not have substantive differences with adult poetry’s structure in general. Therefore, semiotic approaches of poetry and linguistic studies are also applied to the studies of linguistic sign system and songs and children’s native poems’ structure. The present study is based on these approaches. Such a research could prove the hypothesis of singular linguistic-semiotic pattern in the structure of children’s poetry in both formal and folk forms.
3- Methodology
The present study was coducted with library and field method and with descriptive-analytic approach. To gather the data of the study, in addition to the field research, the collected song series were also used.
4- Results & Discussion
In the present study, children songs and native lullabies of southern Taleshi were gathered and documented with the aim of studying linguistic structure of children songs, forms of using the most prominent linguistic features of children’s poetry, the adaptation level of native songs with poetic and linguistic principles of formal poetry and receiving structural and linguistic differences and similarities between formal children poetry and native children songs. Accordingly, the four features of musical elements, image action, environmentalism, and meaning integrity in these songs are studied and matched.
5- Conclusions & Suggestions
The results of this study indicate that children folk-songs in Taleshi follow poetic principles and linguistic signs of formal children poetry. The level of this conformity in musical features is seen more than other signs and in meaning integrity lower than other lingual features


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