The verb system of Qal'e-ganji (Kermān) variant of Korta dialect

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D Student in General Linguistics at University of Sistān and Baluchestān


Regional variants of Korta Dialect, a member of Bashāgardi dialect group are origionally spoken by people of Qal'e-ganj and Rudbār-e Janub, the two southern townships of Kermān Province and they belong to the south-western Iranian Language Family. Geographically, this dialect is spoken at the borderline of its linguistic family domain and at its contact point with Makrāni Baluchi Dialect Group, a member of north-western Iranian language family. Henceforth, from a linguistic properties viewpoint, it is regarded as the linking loop of these linguistic families, too. Synchronically and based on the analysis of a linguistic corpus extracted from the speech of two women and three men of low-educated/illiterate 35-78 year-old Korta informants, this study attempts to linguistically describe the verbal system of Qal'e-ganji variant of Korta Dialect.
To do so, the grammatical categories relating to finite verbs including the five morpho-syntactic categories of tense, aspect, mood, agreement, and voice have been investigated and described in this linguistic variant. Findings indicated that the verbal system of this dialect utilizes various morpho-syntactic strategies to manifest the distinctions related to those five categories


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