Emphatic discourse markers in Persian: Evidence from three telefilms

Document Type : Original Article


1 (PhD), Bu-Ali Sinā University, Hamedān

2 (PhD) student in linguistics at Bu-Ali Sinā University, Hamedān


Discourse markers are of the most important elements of the language system, especially the conversational and informal language. Today, the study of discourse markers is one of the newest and most important topics in linguistics. This is important because speeches which lack these linguistic units are incomprehensible, imperfect and not clear enough. These linguistic units perform different functions in a language system and "the emphatic function" is one of them. Speakers emphasize on a specific part or the whole of a discourse using these discourse markers. Of course, based on the fact that "emphasis" is a complex issue in the language system, different tools are used to express it. Discourse markers are one of these tools. In this research, the emphatic discourse markers are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively based on the two-fold framework of Brinton (1996), according to functional approach, and in pragmatics sphere. For this purpose, a colloquial corpus has been selected, which consists of three telefilms such as "panj ta panj", "ye bilit šāns", and "amu jān hitler".


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