The influence of language contact on the morphological and syntactic characteristics of the Rudbari dialect of Tati

Document Type : Original Article


graduated from Bu-Ali Sinā University, Hamedān, Irān


The Rudbari dialect of Tati is among the dialects of Tati which is spoken in some areas in Rudbar (Guilan province). Stilo (1981) grouped the Tati dialect of Rudbar along with all Tati, Taleshi, Vafsi, Alviri and Vidari dialects in one group called Tatic, but he believes that the Rudbari dialect of Tati is transitional to Guilaki which is one of the Caspian languages. The goal of this article was to use some morphological and syntactic characteristics of Rudbari dialect of Tati to show how this dialect is different from other dialects of Tati and how it is transitional to Guilaki. The Juboni version of Rudbari dialect of Tati was chosen for this study. This dialect is nowadays spoken in the Jubon village which is located in the Southern Rostam Abad in the central part of Rudbar district. This study showed that Juboni has different morphological and syntactic characteristics from other dialects of Tati.


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