The expression of possession in Taleshi

Document Type : Original Article


(PhD), Buali Sinā University


This paper aims to provide a typological account of nominal and predicative possession constructions in Taleshi. It follows the typological framework of Aikhenvald (2013), where different attested strategies for the expression of nominal and predicative possession along with their corresponding functions are touched on. As far as nominal possession constructions in Taleshi are concerned, four strategies are used to exhibit the relationship of possessor and possessee in a noun phrase: a. juxtaposition, a possessor ending in a vowel precedes the possessee; b. possessor can be marked by number-sensitive oblique case-markers (i- for singular and –u for plural), or alternatively, replaced by six different possessive pronouns, c. marking the possessee with a pronominal pertensive clitic along with related information on number and person of the possessor; d. both possessor and possessee may be marked. This is done by replacing the possessor with the suppletive pronoun of ǝštan and the attachment of a pronominal pertensive clitic to the possessee. Just like nominal possession, predicative possession in Taleshi is also expressed in different types of constructions, including native existential and copular constructions where the characteristics of the so-called H-constructions are evident. In Mâsâli, a borrowed possessive verb of dâšte‎‎ 'to have' is also attested


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