The semantic study and classification of Persian parts of speech based on Lieber’s theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 (PhD), University of Sistān and Baluchestān

2 PhD Candidate in General Linguistics at University of Sistān and Baluchestān


To classify lexical items, Lieber (2004, 2009) proposes seven semantic features,i.e., (»material«, »dynamic«, »IEPS = inferable eventual position or state«, »Loc = Location«, »B = Bounded«, »CI = Composed of Individuals« and a principle called »Co-indexation Principle«. In this theory, each lexical item has one semantic skeleton (composed of one/more primitives and one/more arguments) and a semantic body (composed of encyclopedic knowledge of the speaker about the lexical item). Co-indexation is a device to tie together the arguments of the parts of the compound or derived items. The purpose of this study was to study and classify the Persian parts of speech based on Lieber’s semantic theory. Following Lieber, this research, based on the »material« and» dynamic« features, classifies the semantic category of Substance/ Thing/Essence in Persian into four sub-categories, based on »dynamic«, »IEPS« and» Loc« features classifies the semantic category of Situations into six sub-categories and based on »IEPS «and »Loc« features, classifies the semantic category of Relations into four sub-categories. The results of the study on Persian showed that various syntactic categories e.g. verbs and prepositions or verbs and nouns have common semantic features, as well and this outcome supports Lieber’s semantic classification


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