Verb system in Kalāsuri dialect

Document Type : Original Article


(PhD), University of Tabriz


The verbal system of Kalāsuri dialect has some peculiarities and characteristics that put it in contrast with Persian language and other Iranian southwestern dialects. In some cases, they, even, make it distinct from relative dialects such as Harzani, Tāleshi, Tākestani, Chālestani, Eshthārdi, Sagzāri, etc. The above mentioned dialects constitute the northwestern branch of the Iranian languages which are probably all descended from ancient Āzari. Some of these characteristics that seem to be important in language studies could be mentioned here: firstly, in the verb system of this dialect, the present stem has been subjected to gradual decline and accordingly some present verb forms are constructed from past stem. Secondly, the indicative present and past progressive are constructed from infinitive. Thirdly, the intransitive simple past and present perfect are the same in form, but they are just distinguished by accent, and finally the present participle is used as future stem. These issues and some other peculiarities would be discussed in this article in detail f the »C« prescription over the other three versions. Considering the kinship probability of the prescriptions »Hat«, »Kar«,»Mi«, the readings that are selected based on the text sameness of these prescriptions are problematic.


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