Two - Level Word Acronyms in Persian

Document Type : Original Article


(PhD), Shahrekord University


Acronyming is one of the word-formation processes. In general terms, there are two types of acronyms; initialisms and word acronyms. An initialism is read and pronounced as a spelling or as a sequence of letters, while a word acronym is pronounced as a single ordinary word. Two-level word acronym is a type of word acronym used by organizations and social groups to suggest some aspect of their purpose or objective. Two-level word acronym expresses meaning on two levels, i.e., as an acronym and as a simple word. This research aimed at the introduction and analysis of some Persian two-level word acronyms whose application is increasing among Iranian organizations and social groups. Furthermore, in this paper, it is argued that the formation of two-level word acronyms which makes the written form and the pronunciation of an actual word and an acronym the same as each other, is a type of semantic extension in the form of polysemy.


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