Comparative codicology of the Manuscripts of Nafsatolmasdoor-e Zeydari-ye Nasawi based on the hierarchical analytic process

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD), University of Guilan

2 PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature at University of Guilan


Investigation and confrontation of manuscripts and determining their level of correctness, originality and priority of manuscript in comparative codicology are among the main challenges of the editors that due to the long process of the confrontation and difficulty of final decision on criteria, a simplified resolution is considered for them. Hierarchical analysis, using mathematical and psychological techniques, can assist the editor in multi-criteria decision making and reaching the most logical goal. This research investigates the prescription of the quadruple substitutions of corrected Nafsatolmasdoor Zeydari-ye Nasavi, using Expert Choice 11. The criteria was developed out of the suggestions of Bengel and Griesbach and based on the categorization of the corrected Yazdgerdi substitutions, and paired scales and comparisons adjusted according to the expertized suggestions of Bengel and Griesbach and their criteria. The investigations showed that the quadruple prescriptions of this correction are derived at least out of two different origins, and expert choice hierarchical analyses showed the priority of the »C« prescription over the other three versions. Considering the kinship probability of the prescriptions »Hat«, »Kar«,»Mi«, the readings that are selected based on the text sameness of these prescriptions are problematic.


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