The role of rhyme in Persian word formation: Evidence from lyrics of NizamiGanjavi

Document Type : Original Article



A language is persistent when it could progress with time and could satisfy its ongoing needs. If a language does not find ways of its strengthening and durability, it will become extinct.Persian language at the beginning was an Iranian dialect. Due to several reasons, it benefitted from tremendous literary background and spread around. There are lots of ways to strengthen a language. Today certain institutions like the Academy of Language and Literature helps to spread the Persian language, but in the past each of the greatest poets had some effort in word formation and selection. Their efforts in this regard are similar to the efforts of an academy of language, and ignoring the word formation patterns of poets perhaps could lead in great damage to the language. Here, the poets’ role is to increase the grammatical capabilities of Persian language. The grammatical capabilities mean a collection of resources or capacities that a language puts at the disposal of its own users to be able to communicate more easily and with less energy along with the greatest efficiency. NizamiGanjavi poetry was investigated in this study to determine how much he was in service of Persian language. This article aims at verifying how Nizami committed the innovations within the constraints of rhyme in his lyrics, so that not only he added to the beauty and innovation of his poems, but also had great services to Persian and other poets after him.


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