Samples of domestication of proper names in Bisotun inscription

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims at surveying and describing the process of domestication of proper names in Bisotun inscription. Domestication is among the translation strategies that the theorists like Venuti invented it to describe the common translation techniques in the context of British-American culture. Based on this approach, a translator takes a transparent and fluent style to minimize the foreign trace of the text for target language readers. In this research, domestication means examining phonological and to some extent morphological (inflectional) aspects of proper names in Elamite, Akkadian, Greek and new Persian. Proper names of Bisotun inscription as the main data were undergone domestication processes and they were examined in each of the above-mentioned languages. The results showed that each language has its specific phonological system and they differ from one another. Some languages may lack certain phonemes. Thus, they would be replaced by the most similar phonemes.


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