Guide for Authors

The researchers and authors are requested to check the sections on Guide for authors as well as Peer Review Process very carefully before submitting a manuscript. Manuscripts can be submitted to our journal after being structured based on the standards of the journal.  

            The bi-annual journal of "Persian Language and Iranian Dialects" considers various subjects related to Persian language and Iranian dialects. It aims at scientifically inquiring into and understanding Persian language and Iranian dialects from various angles and publishing original findings of researchers in the field. The scopes of the journal cover historical studies generally based on literary and scientific texts of Persian language as formed throughout millennials, as well as contemporary Iranian issues of Persian language and Iranian dialects. Studies on codicology and text correction, theoretical issues in lexicography, linguistic inquiry into native poems, etymology of words and terms, word formation in classical texts and Persian translator, analysis of dialect evidence in Persian literature texts, criticisms of studies on Persian language and dialect, research in to phonetic, morphological, syntactic and semantic domains of Persian language and Iranian dialects with synchronic and diachronic approaches constitute the  most important issues and fields of study in this journal.


Guidelines for Authors

  1. Name or names of author(s) (In English and Persian)
  2. The following authors’ information should be mentioned:

- Degree and position (MSc student, Ph.D candidate, MSc, Ph.D, Instructor, Assistant professor, Associate Professor, Professor)

- Field of study (Persian literature, English literature, Linguistics, etc.)

- Affiliation (University, City, Country)

  1. One author must be identified as the Corresponding Author. The corresponding author is obliged to provide the definitive list of authors and their information at the time of the original submission. Please note that all emails, revisions, etc. are sent to the corresponding author’s email address.
  2. In case the manuscript is extracted from a doctoral dissertation, the author names must be ordered as: Ph.D candidate, supervisor, the rest of the authors.
  3. The authors’ email addresses must be mentioned (Those who are faculty members must mention their academic email addresses).
  4. The full postal address, postcode, and phone number must be provided (These are needed for sending a hardcopy of the journal in which the accepted manuscript is published).
  5. The submitted manuscript must not be already published, it must not be submitted to another journal simultaneously either.
  6. In case the manuscript is funded by an institute or organization, the author(s) are required to acknowledge it in a single paragraph which must appear immediately prior to the reference list.


Manuscript Submission Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts should include title, English and Persian abstracts, keywords, introduction, body of the text with the clear headings, conclusion, and reference list.
  2. The title of the manuscript should be concise and informative (In English and Persian).
  3. The abstract should be between 150 and 200 words (In English and Persian).
  4. The keywords should include between 3 and 5 words (In English and Persian).
  5. Font type and size: Times New Roman, 12 pt for English texts and B Nazanin, 12 pt for Persian texts.
  6. Footnotes: Times New Roman, 9 pt for English footnotes and B Nazanin, 10 pt for Persian footnotes.
  7. Document size and margins: A4 paper size (top: 2.2, bottom: 5.8, left and right: 4.25).
  8. Manuscripts should contain a maximum of 20 pages on a A4 paper size (They should be no longer than 8000 words).
  9. Line spacing: single
  10. All numbers within tables and diagrams should be in Persian.
  11. This journal follows APA (American Psychological Association) in referencing and writing a reference list. The authors are, therefore, asked to follow the following guidelines:

- All citations in the text should include the author’s name, the year of publication, and the page number respectively. For example: (Chomsky, 1995: 85)

- More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", etc., placed after the year of publication. For example: (Ross, 1967a: 14), (Ross, 1967b: 38)

  1. All entries (books, articles, newspaper reports, websites, etc.) in the reference list must be arranged alphabetically.

- Reference to a book: the author’s family name, the initial letter of the author’s name. The year of publication. The title of the book (in Italic), location: Press.

Example: Chomsky, N., 1995. The Minimalist Program., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

- Reference to a journal article: the author’s family name, the initial letter of the author’s name. The year of publication. The title of the article (in quotation marks). The title of the journal (in Italic). Volume and issue numbers, page numbers.

Example: Kandybowicz, J. 2015. “On prosodic vacuity and verbal resumption in Asante Twi”. Linguistic Inquiry 46(2). 243–272

- Reference to a chapter in proceedings: the author’s family name, the initial letter of the author’s name. The year of publication. The title of the article (in quotation marks). The title of the proceedings (in Italic). The editor’s name. Press. page numbers.

Example: Androutsopoulou, A. 1997. “Split DPs, focus, and scrambling in modern Greek”. Proceedings of the west coast conference in formal linguistics (WCCFL) 16. 1–16.

- Reference to theses and dissertations: the author’s family name, the initial letter of the author’s name. The year. The title of the thesis or dissertation (in Italic). Identify the work as a master thesis or doctoral dissertation, the field of the study, the university name, and location.

Example: Ott, D. 2011. Local instability: The syntax of split topics. Doctoral dissertation of Linguistics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

- Reference to a website: the author’s family name. The initial letter of the author’s name. The date of retrieving from the website, the title of the issue, the name of the website. The website address.

Example: Wilson, W. 2013/3/12. "Criminal Law", University of London International Programmers,. www. London


  1. Please ensure that a half-space must be necessarily used in writing the components of complex words. In doing so, use the buttons Shift+ Space and/ or Ctrl+ Shift+ 2 (the button below f2). Please do not use the buttons Ctrl+ - since it is not compatible with the platform and software of the journals.



Manuscript Submission

  1. Authors are required to upload four files: 1. an author profile containing author names, affiliation, email address, phone number (without the main text of the manuscript), 2. Manuscript main file (without authors’ information), 3. Letter of commitment, 4. Conflict of interest form.
  2. Authors are required to fill out all online forms or forms of commitment available on our website. Both letter of commitment and conflict of interest form must be filled out and signed by author(s) in order to be uploaded.
  3. Manuscripts should be submitted via our website (